How to increase file upload limit wordpress on cPanel servers

How to increase file upload limit wordpress on cPanel servers

Have you ever faced this problem when you’re trying to upload some fileimage or anything through your wordress admin interface and it shows an error displaying very low upload limit? Well, here’s the answer to the problem which should fix it immediately.
    • Copy the global php.ini from /usr/lib/php.ini to /home/*accountnamehere*/public_html. (If you do not have ‘root’ access to the server then get sample php.ini by Google’ing!)

    • Nano into the php.ini file with following command. Nano is just an editor like Notepad.
      nano /home/*accountnamehere*/public_html/php.ini

    • Now, “find” for “upload“. You can do that by hitting “ctrl+w” in nano.

    • Locate the entry called upload_max_filesize and update its value to whichever you prefer.

    • You will need then need to add this entry suPHP_ConfigPath/home/*accountnamehere*/public_html/ to the .htaccess file to make the server pull the information from the custom php.ini instead of the global php.ini

After making these changes, the domain should now reference the new values.
Note -
1. If you do not have “nano” installed then you can either installing by using “yum install nano” command in centOS OR “apt-get install nano” in Ubuntu. Alternatively, you can simply use cPanel code editors to perform those tasks.
2.Replace all occurance of *youraccountnamehere* to your actual cPanel account name.


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